For the ScanPyramids mission, the main consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is the absence of activity on the part of HIP.Institute, due to the ban on air travel.
When the mission resumes in 2022, it is coordinated by Prof. Hany Helal and teams from Cairo's Faculty of Engineering. ScanPyramids is implementing the new non-destructive techniques envisaged in the 2019 report, radar and ultrasound, with the arrival of the Technical University of Munich. Although Jean-Pierre Houdin is informed that the latter is active on Khufu’s Pyramid, he is unable to personally follow developments on this mission.
On October 25, 2022, as planned, Jean-Pierre Houdin publishes his first Memoir on his ACADEMIA page, in French and English, and makes it available free of charge:
Khufu’s Pyramid, recent discovery of a large cavity by the ScanPyramids mission
The Big Void
This document of over 150 pages marks a turning point in the definition of the counterweight system used to hoist the monoliths of the superstructure above the King's Chamber and provides the irrefutable answer to the use of three successive counterweights between the port of delivery of the materials and their hoisting into place up to the +64m level. The shape, length and inclination of the
BIG VOID are intimately linked to its function: a second Grand Gallery in which a counterweight identical to that of the known Grand Gallery circulates, the basic trolley having been reused.
Just before the festive season of 2022, Jean-Pierre Houdin begins to suspect that an extraordinary discovery is about to be announced, based on the most recent analyses of the muographic data of Dr. Morishima's Nagoya team, Sébastien Procureur's CEA team and the ongoing results of the Munich Technical University team. He receives a message, in enigmatic form, saying: "Santa Claus has thought of you and put something in the pipes".