KHUFU Reborn
On January 27, "Khufu Reborn" is presented by Mehdi Tayoubi at a press conference hold by Dassault Systèmes at The Géode in Paris. In front of almost 400 guests, including over 50 journalists, Jean-Pierre Houdin, accompanied by Richard Breitner, comments live on an extraordinary real-time 3D animation, piloted by Fabien Barati, detailing part 2nd of his research work on Khufu’s Pyramid, with particular reference to the internal architecture and the repercussions on the King's funeral. He announces that he has come to the conclusion that 2 hitherto unknown antechambers exist behind the North wall of the King's Chamber. These would be connected to the outside by a corridor leading under the limestone rafters visible on the North face, above the entrance to the descending corridor. This is also an opportunity to update the theory of the internal ramp following the discovery, in 2008, of the room behind the notch. The theory is now simpler and more effective, as the pyramid is now built entirely from the inside out.
Finally, a partnership with Quebec's Laval University is being announced for a non-destructive research mission, which will shortly be submitted to the Egyptian authorities for authorization.
In terms of media coverage, this new conference is widely reported in the press, on television and on the Internet.
Unfortunately, media coverage is less extensive than in 2007, due to the events that begin in Cairo at the same time and which will last until August 2013.
On February 16, 17 and 18, once again at the invitation of the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Jean-Pierre Houdin and the Khufu Team give three performances of the 3D animation "Khufu Reborn" at the Marcoule and Cadarache Research Centers. More than 1,200 people attend these shows, proof of the interest aroused by the theory.
On March 22, the book "Le Mystère de la Pyramide de Kheops" written by Eric Simard and Jean-Pierre Houdin and published by Editions Oskar, is released. The book covers the latest revelations and updates made on January 27 at the Géode; it is aimed particularly at young readers. That said, the detailed explanations and layout also make it an excellent medium for disseminating the theory to adults.
At the end of May, Jean-Pierre Houdin travels to Quebec with Richard Breitner and Shaun Whitehead for a series of meetings at Laval University with Professor Xavier Maldague and his assistants, Matthieu Klein and Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo. The aim is to define the program, the schedule, the materials and their positioning on the Giza site for a future long-term mission. There is also talk of the possible integration of an infrared component into the "Robot Djedi" mission currently exploring the shafts of the Queen's Chamber in Khufu’s Pyramid. This mission is led by Shaun Whitehead, whom Jean-Pierre Houdin introduced to Dassault Systèmes. This company is co-producing this mission, the Djedi robot having been designed using the 3D editor's Solidworks software. It is agreed that the "Robot Djedi" team would submit a request for authorization to carry out a short infrared mission by Matthieu Klein before the end of the year. In the meantime, it is decided to carry out infrared thermography tests on the "Redoute", one of the town's oldest fortifications.
During this stay, Jean-Pierre Houdin is pleasantly surprised to discover that Québec Science magazine had just published a long article on the theory and project of an infrared mission with Université Laval, with a dedicated cover.
June 23, 8ème and final presentation by the Khufu Team and Jean-Pierre Houdin of the 3D animation "Khufu Reborn" at the Géode. A wonderful page in the history of the theory is being turned after almost 50 performances, beginning on March 30 2007 with "Khufu Revealed".
On July 18, Dr Hawass is replaced by Professor Mohamed Abdel Fattah as Secretary General of Antiquities. Since this event, Shaun Whitehead is in contact with Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled, the new Director for Foreign Missions. The project to introduce Laval University to the "Robot Djedi" mission, which has been confirmed by the new authorities, is well underway.
At the end of the summer, blogs dedicated to Ancient Egypt prove to be very important relays. Since January 27, Marc Chartier has published several interviews with Jean-Pierre Houdin and a dozen articles explaining the theory on his "Pyramidales" blog, which has received over 100,000 hits in just a few months. Keith Payne has included all these articles, translated into English, on his "Em Hotep!" blog, and has also promoted the theory by publishing numerous personal articles on its developments since the beginning. Australian Vincent Brown's "Talking Pyramids" blog is also very active.
Together, these 3 blogs receive tens of thousands of visitors every month. Their articles are often picked up by numerous independent bloggers and on social networks like facebook. Numerous videos, in several languages, linked to the theory circulate on YouTube, some of them having been seen by several million Internet users.
On November 16, Dr Hiroyuki Tanaka sends an e-mail to Jean-Pierre Houdin, informing him of a non-destructive technique the latter has developed for the auscultation of volcanoes, a major topic in Japan. With a PhD in nuclear physics from the University of Tokyo and a PhD in quantum physics from the University of California Los Angeles, he specializes in the "radiography" of volcanoes thanks to a new detection technique he has developed using muons (cosmic particles produced by the disintegration of charged pions and observable on the Earth's surface).
Dr Tanaka, having recently discovered the internal ramp theory, indicates that his technique is perfectly suited to its detection, and expresses his interest in participating in a future mission. Jean-Pierre Houdin is very impressed by the proposed technique and decides to collaborate with Dr Tanaka on the planned mission.

H. Tanaka – Université de Tokyo

H. Tanaka – Université de Tokyo