Grenoble: international congress of Egyptologists
In the spring, thanks to the intervention of François Levieux, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, the Thalès company, a leading radar specialist, decides to support the ACGP; in preparation for the future mission, a radar measurement campaign is carried out on the limestone walls of the Coucy-le-Château and Pierrefonds castles.
The first patrons join the project, thanks in particular to Jacques Huillard and Marc Buonomo.
In April, Henri Houdin imagines that the sleds' rotations in the edges took place in "rotation rooms" rather than in notches open to the outside. With no evidence to support this hypothesis, this solution is shelved; it would be another 4 years before this idea is finally incorporated into the theory.
On June 8, Dr Bob Brier and Jean-Pierre Houdin meet Dr Dieter Arnold, renowned Egyptologist and Director of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at New York's Metropolitan Museum. Dr. Arnold is very positive about the theory and points out that the Solar Temple of Niuserre at Abu Ghorab shows the remains of a similar internal ramp.
On September 12, the first day of the 9th International Congress of Egyptologists, Jean-Pierre Houdin gives an official talk on the subject of the internal ramp, followed by a public lecture on the same theme; a new 3D model is produced for the occasion. This is the first time the theory is presented in an Egyptological and scientific context. Thanks to Prof. Hany Helal, Jean-Pierre Houdin meets Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities.
From September 29 to October 8, Jean-Pierre Houdin makes his first visit to Egypt. He finally discovers the pyramids he has been working on for 5 years. He meets Dr. Hawass at the Supreme Council of Antiquities and informs him of the ACGP's plan to carry out, in collaboration with Cairo's Faculty of Engineering, a mission on Khufu’s Pyramid using non-destructive techniques. Dr. Hawass imposes at least one renowned Egyptologist on the mission. At a meeting in Dahshur, Dr. Dieter Arnold gives his approval to Jean-Pierre Houdin.

Abou Ghorab Ludwig Borchardt