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blog of Marc Chartier

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Em Hotep!

Interview 1 english V2.jpg

“There is no reason to abstain, especially when you are an architect, from studying the construction of the pyramids, on the pretext that you don’t have the ‘certified Egyptologist’ badge”

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Interview 2 english.jpg

“The Egyptians built what they knew how to, as simply and logically as possible.”

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Antichambres MC English.jpg

“Khufu’s Inheritance”

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“Pyramid of Khufu: two entrances and closing the King's Chamber” 

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Khufu’s pyramid and its “relieving chambers”, or the technical consequences of building a flat ceiling for the King’s Chamber

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Transporting stone blocks and monoliths to build the Great Pyramid: the ingenuity of Egyptian builders

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Entree multiple MC1 English.jpg

The Great Pyramid "multiple purpose" entrance

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The two-level interior ramp of the Great Pyramid

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Will infrared thermography reveal more of the Great Pyramid's secrets?

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Dassault Systèmes, or the art of combaning the Great Pyramid in the previous future

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Without a valid explanation for the setting of the facing blocks, we cannot explain the construction of the pyramids themselves

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Chaussée 7 En.jpg

With the support of architectural and topographic evidence, Jean-Pierre Houdin is convinced that the Giza Sphinx represents King Khufu – Part 1

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With the support of architectural and topographic evidence, Jean-Pierre Houdin is convinced that the Giza Sphinx represents King Khufu – Part 2

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With the support of architectural and topographic evidence, Jean-Pierre Houdin is convinced that the Giza Sphinx represents King Khufu – Part 3

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