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The ScanPyramids
opens up to other techniques

On January 10, Jean-Pierre Houdin e-mails Denis Denoël that he has solved the problem of the shape of the second Grand Gallery, writing: "I've once again 'understood' with GG2...3 wells only because the Turah limestone beams and the granite beams of the 4th ceiling share the same (highest) well, just as the 3rd and 5th also share the same (intermediate) well".

In this new version, as with the GG1, Jean-Pierre Houdin adds an ascending corridor section for the run of the system's roller-tensioning ballast of the rollers train. Its extension appears to run directly into the corridor detected behind the entrance rafters.


Following a meeting in May, the summer is devoted to the preparation of a scientific report summarizing the history of the actions undertaken and the discoveries made. This progress report is intended for the Ministry of Egyptian Antiquities, with the hope of continuing current investigations and paving the way for a new series of techniques.

This 68-page document, entitled "2019 Scientific Report - September 2019", containing the mission's latest advances, is handed over to the authorities at the beginning of October. The introduction reads:

"Since 2015 ScanPyramids is using three different non-invasive and non-destructive techniques to look through the Pyramids and detect unknown significant voids:
- Infrared technology,

- Muography ,
- 3D reconstruction and simulation,
As of October 2019 :
- Georadar,

- Microgravimetry,

- Electrical resistivity tomography,
would be used in some specific areas to intensify the investigations

Analysis of the data acquired from the Grand Gallery by the Nagoya team concludes:


The ScanPyramids Big Void appears in the upper images (data/ simulation division) as a central significant red line.

Thanks to those new positions from where SP-BV has been seen the triangulation has been refined.

We can now conclude that SP-BV is 40 meters long minimum. No conclusion about the inclination of SP-BV can be drawn from the Grand Gallery data analysis. SP-BV is most likely a continuous void”.


The CEA team's analysis of the telescope data confirms the Nagoya team's findings point by point:

We can now conclude that SP-BV which was evaluated at 30 meters long minimum is, in fact, 40 meters long minimum. This evaluation is compatible with Nagoya University 2018-2019 Grand Gallery measurements”.

In the conclusions ScanPyramids still stumbles over the same questions:


- SP-BV’s slope is still difficult to determine but the data acquired from the relieving chambers above the King’s Chamber should help. The slope determination depends also on the architectural shapes hypothesis of SP-BV.”,

- SP-BV architectural shape is still undetermined”.


The year 2019 ends with a new article written by journalist Aline Gérard for Le Parisien newspaper. Two questions put to Mehdi Tayoubi are interesting because they suggest a possible relationship between the BIG VOID, possibly a Grand Gallery, which now measures at least 40 meters in length, and the corridor detected behind the rafters on the North face:


"Could it be another Grand Gallery in a reduced format?"

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Coupe_GG2_ Nature_Finale 2022_2.jpg

Nature - ScanPyramids

Université de Nagoya - ScanPyramids


Nagoya University - ScanPyramids

CEA 2019.jpg

CEA - ScanPyramids

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